I have discovered that there is such thing as good guys in this world. It just takes a lot to find them. You can't look in your home town, everyone has had a piece of everyone. You have to go beyond your neighbourhood. Everyone deserves a chance to find true love, or whatever their idea of love is. It is sad to think that in a life time some people are unable to find something even remotely close to love. I have watched my bestfriends over the years have their hearts completely ripped out of their chests and thrown on the floor. It's terrible to think that another person has such power to make someone feel so horrible. I would love to think that everyone will be happy one day with someone else, but it's very unrealistic to think that if they find love now, is it really ever lasting love? In today's society, divorce is prominant. I sometimes think, what is the point of getting married, if the chances of me getting divorced are higher than me actually spending the rest of my life with one person? It's depressing to think about sometimes but I would like to think that there is one person out there for me that will make me completely happy. I think I have found that person. I have learned the past year never to make plans for the future, because evidently you will end up disapointed most of the time. For now on, I have decided to just live for the moment, and at this moment I am happy with this certain person. For now, being around him makes me feel like a million dollars. I couldn't picture myself with anyone else right now. Life is very unpredictable and I have no idea what will happen with us when I head back to Ottawa for school, but as of right now, I am the happiest girl in the world when I'm with him. He is such a change from previous boyfriends. He has more compassion, is very mature and makes me realize how much of an idiot I look like when we're arguing over nothing. Which to be honest, is a a good thing. I would love to make future plans with this boy, but it's silly to do so. We're both still young, and we have a lot ahead of us in the future. We honestly just have to live for the moment, and forget about the future. When the future comes, we will deal with it, but until then we shouldn't worry ourselves.
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